When it comes to surfacing solutions, there are a wide range of options available. Some may, or may not, be suitable for your project. However, with so many available on the market it can be difficult to untangle the pros and cons of each in the context of your needs.
Resin Bound Vs. Block Paving
In this article we will explore both resin bound and block paving surfaces. We will look at some of their pros and cons and discuss the types of applications they may be suitable for. As well as this, we will explain more about NatraTex, an alternative surfacing course which is suitable for a wide range of applications, both commercial and residential.
What is resin bound surfacing?
Resin bound surfacing is made by mixing a chosen aggregate with a clear binder. This is then applied to a sub-base to create a smooth permeable surface. Resin bound surfacing has become an attractive choice over the years due to its durability, permeability, and low maintenance nature.
What is block paving?
Block paving is also a common choice of surfacing, particularly for driveways. These types of surfaces are usually made from bricks made from concrete or clay, which are laid on base to create pavements, patios, or road surfaces.
Key Differences Between Block Paving & Resin Bound Systems
Resin bound surfaces are typically very low maintenance. They can be pressure washed, to clear off any staining, and the choice of aggregates that can be mixed within the resin are varied. This means surfaces can be laid in a range of attractive colours and finishes. Prolonged exposure to the sun does mean that resin bound surfacing is prone to fading over time.
Resin bound systems are also well-known to be SUDS compliant, which means rainwater permeates the smooth surface right through to the sub-base. This is incredibly beneficial to the surrounding environment and can reduce the risk of flooding in urban areas.
Block paving, too, is available in a range of styles and can be laid in an attractive fashion for a decorative finish. It is also a cost-effective choice and can be used for both domestic and commercial applications.
One of the biggest disadvantages of block paving is that it is common for weeds and moss to grow between the bricks. This is because airborne seeds can settle into the gaps between the blocks and grow through them. In some cases, weeds can actually force blocks apart and create an uneven surface, which is not only unsightly but creates an issue with accessibility and poses a real threat to the health and safety of users.
Overall, there are a range of pros and cons to consider when it comes to block paving and resin bound surfaces. NatraTex, from BituChem, is a surface course that presents a solution to many of the problems listed above and is a viable alternative to block paving and resin bound surfacing.
NatraTex As A Surfacing Alternative
Natratex is a durable hard and decorative landscaping material that can be used in creating footpaths, driveways, access roads, car parks, courtyards, or highways. Since its inception, NatraTex has been used for a number of recreational, retail, residential and regenerative projects and is favoured due to its sympathetic nature with its surroundings, durability and cost-effectiveness.
Unlike block paving, NatraTex is resistant to weeds and requires little maintenance. As well as this, NatraTex Colour, which can be laid in a wide range of vibrant colours, is not prone to fading and looks fantastic when applied to school playgrounds, multi-use games areas, and pathways. NatraTex is also extremely resilient and is not prone to damage over time this makes it consistently accessible in all applications.
Finally, NatraTex stands out from the crowd. While the surface courses we have discussed above are popular, NatraTex sets itself apart from the crowd in its finish. Following application by a contractor, NatraTex surfaces look clean, smooth, and fantastic and are ready to use quickly. Over time, they need little maintenance and will only need to be reinstated should areas of the ground be purposefully dug up for other reasons. This can be done easily with the application of ColdLay, which is supplied in portable and easily stored 25kg buckets.
Learn More About NatraTex
Our two main NatraTex products include NatraTex Cotswold and NatraTex Colour. To find out more about either of these sympathetic and attractive surface courses, please contact us today. NatraTex is suitable for application in a range of projects, such as supermarket car parks, in retail parks and as driveways and paving on prestigious estates, some examples of which you will find in our online portfolio.
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