Project Details

Client: Birmingham City Council

Sector: Recreation

Location: Selly Oak Triangle, Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham

This project for Birmingham City Council consisted of major highway improvements around the ‘Selly Oak Triangle’ on Birmingham’s primary road network with the key aim of improving connectivity throughout the town  and the main focus on upgrading facilities for people walking, cycling, and using  public transport.

The NatraTex blue surfaced routes provide a length of segregated, wide, two-way cycle route, separate from the main vehicle traffic  wherever possible, to encourage all types of  people to take up cycling. NatraTex is the perfect solution  keeping those on 2 wheels safe with a smooth riding surface, segregated from traffic. For more information on the Selly Oak project, follow this link.

If you would  like to know how NatraTex can enhance your project, email  Fran today: [email protected]

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